Women Who Inspire Women Series Zahra Paracha | Guitarist/Multi-Instrumentalist/Audio Engineer Pakistan https://www.instagram.com/zahrap_411/ So badass…just flipping through our IG account https://www.instagram.com/uniteasia/ these past few days to...
Women Who Inspire Women Series Na-Eun Oh | Vocalist Traitor / Clownus| South Korea https://www.facebook.com/BandTraitor/ https://www.facebook.com/clownus/ Photo Credit: Rami Young Translated By: Geon Edge One...
Women Who Inspire Women Series Makiko Suda | Vocalist Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation / Monnier | Japan https://www.facebook.com/Flagitious.Idiosyncrasy.in.the.Dilapidation/ https://www.facebook.com/monniergrindcore/ Photo Credit: Christian Granum /...
Women Who Inspire Women Series Tina Cho | Vocalist Spit | Taiwan https://www.facebook.com/spitout520/ Tina is a Taiwanese vocalist who fronts raw as fuck, feedback soaked...
Women Who Inspire Women Series Nellisa Fairuz | Vocalist Fausse Humanite | Malaysia https://www.facebook.com/Faussechaos/ Nellisa is the reason why there needs to be more exposure...
Women Who Inspire Women Series Mia Priest | Vocalist Nightmare A.D. | Cambodia Those of you who have been reading our website for years hopefully...
Women Who Inspire Women Series Rina Abdul Aziz | Vocalist Obstacle Upsurge (ex-My Precious) | Singapore https://www.facebook.com/obstacleupsurgesg/ Photo Credit: Niko Cezar The first time we...
Five years! BOOM! That was quick…it’s interesting to reflect back on how this website began and what was the original catalyst. If you look at...
Women Who Inspire Women Series Jacey Po | Tattoo Artist/Vocalist Surreal Ink | Instinct of Sight | Hong Kong https://www.facebook.com/instinctofsight/ Today’s special feature is of...
Women Who Inspire Women Series Tweety Abeja-Regala | Guitarist Choke Cocoi | Philippines https://www.facebook.com/chokecocoi/ Out of all the inspirational women that we’ve introduced thus far,...
Women Who Inspire Women Series Mannu Shahi | Guitarist Jaire | Nepal So I’m Mannu Shahi, I’ve been playing guitar for almost over a decade...
Women Who Inspire Women Series Hera Mary | Vocalist Oath | Indonesia https://www.facebook.com/oathsludge/ When thinking of women to invite to this series, our friend Hera...
We were SOOOO inspired by Revolver Mag‘s 5 WOMEN WHO INSPIRE ME series that we had to do our own Asian version. There are many...
Hong Kong-based mental health organization Mind HK has released Mental Health Tips documents for all of us as we deal with the current health crisis...
With all that’s going on in the world, amongst all the self-quarantining, amongst all the socio-political turmoil across the planet, amongst all the lives that...
We dedicate this article to everyone around the world who separates the Chinese people from the faults and disease of the CCP government. We dedicate...
Last year we were lucky enough to be hit up by brand new Indonesian guitar strap company Nikisaga who wanted to send out some product...
Hello internet! On most days, we’re Beast Jesus from the internet. Today, we’re just people. And we need your help. Like most of the world,...
That photo above is what I woke up to today. An old man’s shop in San Franciso was ransacked by a bunch of racist assholes...
It’s always nice to provide this platform to people who are the true definition of “lifers” or “veterans” of any Asian punk rock/hardcore community. Over...