Malaysian death metal act DYING FATE proudly announces the release of their long-awaited debut EP, “Trail of Blood.” This momentous occasion marks a significant milestone...
AZAAB, the Islamabad-based death metal act, is thrilled to announce their upcoming Canadian tour in May 2024. The tour comes in the wake of significant...
As many of us hardcore kids know, the marriage of metal, death metal, hip hop, and more recently, adjacent elements like shoegaze/dreamgaze/grunge, are all part...
Laos-based brutal death metal band ENDLESS OUTRAGE return with a music video for the track ‘Fading Into Darkness’. They state, “This song is about the...
This was fun to put together! As a way to continue to try to bridge the UK scene with my home – the amazing Asian...
The death metal legions of Bangladesh ChronicleS have crushed upon their first full-length album and put on the statement as they embark on the path...
KAAL is a brutal death metal band formed in Nepal in 2008. The band is pumped to announce an upcoming tour that will take them to...
Check out a debut track by Indonesian hardcore metal band CHANGING FACE. The track is entitled ‘Growth With Hesitation’ “Which touches on social pressure, blind...
Sikkim, India brutal death metal band CELESTIAL GORGE release their new single Devouring Heavenly Bodies. Devouring Heavenly Bodies talks about Black Holes, Cosmic Infinites and...
Bangladesh death metal titans CHRONICLES have released a music video for the track ‘Retributional Pits of Torment’ off their new album ‘Spirits of the Mortified’...
EDITOR’S NOTE: Totally stoked to have UK bands start submitting stuff! Spread the word! Check out Brighton based death metal-influenced hardcore band BODYBAG rip it...
Vietnamese death metal band Thánh Dực have released a new EP entitled ‘Flying Fotress’. The band state, “We take inspiration from glorious battles against invaders throughout...
Nepali death metal band BINAASH are back with a rager new full length entitled ‘Pagalos Bowlamu’. “The songs are about mostly dark introspections, and a...
Check out brand new track by Laos brutal death metal band ENDLESS OUTRAGE. According to the band’s label Brutal Mind, the track comes off their...
ABSENCE OF THE SACRED (Singapore) has been playing Death Metal since 2005, with current and past members from IMPIETY, WORMROT, DRACONIS INFERNUM and DYING FETUS...
Human Rights Watch states the following about Myanmar: “Since staging a coup on February 1, 2021, the Myanmar military has carried out a brutal nationwide...
Stoked when something like this gets announced…something that we probably have never written about before. Bangladeshi death metal band CHRONICLES have announced that they’re hitting...
Formed back in 2010, ATAUD is a London-based South American death/black metal act who released their first demo ‘Macabros Hallazgos’ back in 2012. The band...
Singapore deathcore band DYETH have released a 2 track EP entitled ‘Evil of Samaria’. The lyrics to the title track, Evil of Samaria, loosely talks...
Extreme Underground India is back after 4 years with TOTAL DECIMATION. Extreme metal bands from Brazil, Norway, and India are set to decimate Bangalore on October 15th....