Nepali Death Metal Band BINAASH Rage On Brand New Full Length ‘Pagalos Bowlamu’ [Nepal]

Nepali death metal band BINAASH are back with a rager new full length entitled ‘Pagalos Bowlamu’. “The songs are about mostly dark introspections, and a few ones have dark humor. It’s kind of a conceptual album in terms of the topics of the songs this time around. It’s got to do with reflections on humanity and how we have become this arrogant species that thinks it’s way more important than it is. Songs like “It doesn’t fucking matter”, “Naya Shuruwaat?” “Science is the new religion” talk about these reflections. But it also has dark suicidal songs like “Huri Bataas”, “Adhuro”, “Subhakaamana”. The dark humor that we tend to have in our albums are represented by songs like “Kasaai”, “Lide, timro muhaar ma”. We also have a surprise track for our listeners in this album,” state the band.

Coverart was handled by their vocalist, Prabin, and he clearly SMASHED it. He explains it in the following way, “The artwork is a depiction of the songs. There is “mini-art” of each song in it, which as a whole becomes the album cover.”

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