Wuhan punk rock legends SMZB has released a letter to worldwide supporters informing everyone that they are indeed okay while their city of Wuhan continues to be on lockdown. They reside in the epicenter of the new Wuhan Coronavirus and thus we quickly got in touch with them to make sure they were okay.
Their vocalist, and legendary Chinese punk rock musician Wu Wei, responded immediately:
“Hello everyone…UNITE ASIA!
I am Wu Wei, the lead singer of Wuhan punk band SMZB. Everyone should already know that in the first month of 2020, a very serious virus has been spread from my hometown. First of all, I would like to report to you that our band, family and friends have not been infected by the virus. We all hope that the virus can be treated and eliminated immediately, and all infected people can recover their health as soon as possible. We thank all medical staff and volunteers for their hard work and the support and help from the people and governments from all over the world.
Not only are we safe and healthy, but I’d also like to take this moment to let you know that our brand new album ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE EAST will be released in May this year. We are covering a song entitled 東方之珠 (The Pearl of Orient) to support Hong Kong. We hope all our Hong Kong friends and citizens will continue to fight for yourselves and future generations. You all deserve a better future, a better Hong Kong.
Finally, I wish you all a Happy New Year! Healthy body! Good luck Wuhan! Good luck Hong Kong! Let’s toast to both of you!
Wu Wei
UNITE ASIA的朋友们,大家好!我是武汉的朋克乐队SMZB的主唱吴维。大家应该都已经知道,在2020年的第一个月我的家乡就发生了非常严重的病毒事件。首先在这里我给大家报个平安,我们乐队和家人朋友目前都还没有受到病毒感染。希望这个病毒能够很快被治理和消灭,所有的被感染者能够尽快恢复健康。我们感谢所有的医护人员和志愿者一直以来的辛苦工作,以及来自全世界的民间和政府给予的支援和帮助。
另外想告诉大家我们的新专辑【东方往事ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE EAST】会在今年五月左右发行,在这张专辑里我们翻唱了《东方之珠》这首歌来支持香港,希望所有的香港朋友和人民团结起来,继续为你们和你们的后代反抗斗争,争取你们应得的一切和一个美好的未来,一个更好的香港。最后祝大家新年快乐!身体健康!武汉加油!香港加油!我们一起干杯为你! —–2020.1.27.”
This is a reminder that not everyone in China is blind supporters of the government and their propaganda that has been working overdrive shoving down the government-sanctioned narrative. The Chinese government has spared no expense these past 7 months to paint Hong Kong protestors as “rioters”, “thugs” and “criminals” in ALL media successfully brainwashing many many people. However, the true punk rocker and hardcore kid can SEE through all this bullshit because one of the tenets of punk and hardcore certainly has to be NEVER TRUST THE GOVERNMENT. Any “punk rocker” or “hardcore” kid that follows the government line – IS SUSPECT.
Stay strong Wuhan!
Make sure to read this previous article we released regarding Wuhan: https://uniteasia.org/brave-wuhan-resident-sends-plea-world-via-video-please-watch/
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