Rock Metal Act Ni Liu Return With New Single Addressing Inner Turmoil [Hong Kong]

One of Hong Kong’s biggest rock/metal acts hands down is this 5-piece band called Ni Liu. The band has been tearing it up for years and seem to only get bigger and bigger as every new song they release can attest. The band consistently looks at broadening their horizons from the underground world they were birthed from to now taking on stages across Hong Kong playing in front of thousands.

The latest song ‘不適’, the band states right from the get-go that sometimes it’s not just the chaotic world we live in that makes us feel a form of discomfort, but it could also be the feeling of conflict within ourselves. The music itself is classic Ni Liu – rock with a metal base, and MASSIVE melodic singalong portions, but this time they’ve even added more electronic elements as well as a string section.

The band continues to carve its own path with a trajectory straight to the stars. The band’s rabid fanbase eats it all up and by doing so helps encourage the band to keep doing what they’re doing.

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