Metal label Transcending Obscurity release 2018 Label Sampler for free download.
“We’re absolutely thrilled to unveil the much awaited 2018 label sampler on our official BANDCAMP page. It hasn’t been easy to coordinate but we’ve ensured that all the songs are absolutely fresh and never heard before. Most of the bands haven’t even been officially announced yet but will be eventually, along with their album artwork and complete release information as and when possible.
Kicking off this label sampler is the death metal group of bands starting with several supergroups that have members having ties with bands like REVEL IN FLESH, BOLT THROWER, HAIL OF BULLETS, PAGANIZER, WOMBBATH, HOODED MENACE, IMPIETY, etc. and also some fine new bands from around the world.
Tracks 16-20 – BLACK METAL HORDE
We love black metal and it’s been interesting to find a mix of bands that are unrelenting in the style as well as atmospheric in expression.
We can only hope 2018 will be as great a year for doom as 2017 has proved to be. There are some absolutely majestic releases lined up with a fitting packaging to boot, starting with the glorious supergroup TOWARDS ATLANTIS LIGHTS.
Unconventional and bold, this section is for the adventurous. It marks the return of the mighty P.H.O.B.O.S. and sublime followup albums by mavericks such as VEILBURNER, 0N0, MORGUE SUPPLIER and more.”
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