Good band…can’t wait to hear the full length entitled Just Be Lazy! Check out the teaser below:
Malaysian melodic metalcore band Dead Eyes Glow have the unfortunate luck to have released their much publicized music video the same day that all...
Woah – heavy metal-tinged hardcore coming at ya’ fresh from the Singapore. This band AES is keeping shit fresh on those shores for sure. Love...
Jesus – that’s an intense record cover fit for an intensely heavy death metal band from Taiwan – Maggot Colony. They just announced on...
Dude…what??? I pressed play on this Indian punk rock band Doctor Zebra‘s music video and immediately heard the sound of skateboarding and had to re-read...
Always rad to hear new tracks from promising new bands – here’s a pretty melodic death metal track from a band called Skeletor from...
This has been a disheartening morning…anyone in Singapore who has seen this lady please contact her son Kurt immediately! All the information can be...
Malaysia has been bracing itself all week for weekend long protests against the current inept and corrupt government. People are wearing yellow and hitting the...
Found some time on my hands and had a moment to just sift through endless youtube links and uncovered a couple songs by Hong Kong indie-rock bands...
Stilth – a Filipino death metal band has released a teaser of a new song…sounds badass! Check it out below and hit them up on...
Lots of information being released about the nerve-wracking situation that this weekend’s “Bersih” could end up in…we at just want to make sure that while...
History in the making…Vietnam has pressed a MASSIVE reset button on its homegrown heavy music scene. Check out yet another stellar show that’s about to...
Check out the awesome promo clip that CNHC Hardcore Fest has put up to help promote the upcoming 4th instalment of China’s biggest hardcore festival...
Out of all the phenomenal Asian bands that give it their all day in and day out – why is it stupid gimmicky bands like...
I’m certain you’ve all read countless articles about how the “zine” is a dying breed with the advent of this here age of the internet…I...
Wow…this is beautiful screamo from Indonesia! Check out LKTDOV and the following press release by their record label Samstrong Records: “LKTDOV, formerly known as...
Happy Women’s Equality Day! We thought it would be a good a day as any to celebrate diversity and equality, not just for women, but...
Best news of the morning…the article posted up on Metal Hammer states that Iron Maiden’ll be going to China for the first time! FUCK YES!!!...
A good band is a good band. L’Alphalpha from the Indonesia is a good post-rock/shoe-gaze type of band. These post-rock bands from Indonesia are in...
End is an important figure in the world of Japanese hardcore. He has been doing unique artwork for record sleeves and show flyers for years...