SAIGON METALHOOD “This feature documentary follows three generations of Vietnamese metalheads through the turbulent origins of heavy metal in Vietnam to the current struggles of...
Vietnamese deathcore band Diarsia have released a new single entitled ‘Salvation’. Pretty rad to see a new band from out here in Asia get so...
Yoooooo…there is something so special about a heavy band unleashing venom and rage in their mother language. Check out Vietnamese beatdown hardcore band District 105...
Woah! It’s been a VERY long time since we’ve heard from Vietnamese pop-punk band Stupiz Kiz! The band has just released a brand new single...
We are HIGHLY expecting some of you remember this post when we ask for your “Reader’s Pick of the Week” next Wednesday! Check out Vietnamese...
Vietnamese black metal trio Elcrost have dropped the first track off their upcoming EP ‘Foregone Fables’ and it sounds bad-fucking-ass!!! The band has also released...
Vietnamese hardcore band Knife Sticking Head have dropped a new single entitled ‘Defender’. The full lyric video is streaming below! Shit’s HARD.
8 months after the release of the debut album “Benighted And Unrequited”, Elcrost will release a follow up in the form of a new EP...
Shibui have been in the studio recording their music since the beginning of the year. With the first wave of the virus, not really affecting...
Check out one-man black metal project Gottbrecher fresh outta Vietnam. The project has released a 6 track debut EP streaming below. Dark, gloomy, catastrophic sounds...
Ho Chi Minh City power-jangle outfit OPNAIRDRGMKT released their DEBUT ALBUM earlier this summer after many years of performing and organizing shows in Vietnam and...
It’s cool to see some places around Asia are starting to allow shows back up…this photo of Vietnamese hardcore band District 105 playing a sold-out...
Vietnamese beatdown hardcore band District 105 has released a new single entitled Not Worth Saving and shows the band heading into darker territory. Hell yeah....
Vietnamese atmospheric black metal band Elcrost has announced that their new full length Benighted and Unrequited will be released June 12. The band hails from...
Vietnamese hardcore band District 105 played their first live show to a rapturous audience as quarantine/lockdown measures have ended. Check out how badly the audience...
Jones in the Fast Lane Promotions have announced the lineup for their second round of live streaming craziness. Check out what they had to say about...
Morning everyone! Hope your part of the world is doing well in whatever form it’s in… First post of the day is for Vietnamese atmospheric...
Perfectly coinciding with 420 – Vietnamese nu metal band Project 420 drop new single Gurong. Photo Credit: W Photography
Guitarist of Vietnamese crossover thrash band Cut Lon has released a series of posters in order to encourage thousands of us all over the world...
Check out this mash-up of 2 very different Vietnamese acts – Tao and District 105 who came together on this killer collaboration.