“An engendered-evolved, mutated form of a human being from a very distant future. travels back to warn present-day humanity on his self-inflicted, premature end of...
When life sends you lemons, you sit back, make lemonade and adapt. And the gang behind Grandfist Singapore, a collective of like-minded individuals seeking to...
“Hello world, We hope everyone is keeping calm and staying safe. Let’s keep a lookout for everyone amidst these trying times. Stand united, stand as...
Formed in 2013, Singapore, Hardihood‘s “Destination:Unknown” will be the band’s 3rd studio release commemorating the new change and direction yet still reflecting Hardihood’s energy that...
Singaporean band Hardihood release fullset live video of their performance from their recent record release show. https://www.facebook.com/hardihoodband/
On 8 October 2016, homegrown punk rock band Hardihood will release their long-awaited debut album Take Your Stand. Take Your Stand is an emotionally charged...