As August begins, the enduring band known for their hardcore punk music persists. JERUJI is now releasing their third single titled “Persistence” before its physical...
In a striking blend of heavy metal and traditional Taiwanese culture, EFFLORE, one of Taiwan’s strongest emerging metal bands, has released a new single titled...
Yo…no joke, we often get into great conversations amongst our friends who are very much about seeing the potential of bands. That’s why we started...
Woah…this is badass. Introducing punk band ABNORMAL DECEMBER from Yangon. When the song drops, the chords hark to some Anti-Flag style tracks (minus the shithead...
“We are influenced by a variety of genres but are inspired mainly by acts like Expire, Snapcase, Terror, Suburban Scum, Rotting )ut who’ve all helped...
Goddamn…check out Thai easycore band HONEY BADGERS far surpass all expectations on the new single ‘Expectations’. (See what we did there. We’re sick. We know....
20 years is a long ass time for a band to finally release a music video! That’s what long-running Filipino hardcore band OPPRESSOR has finally...
There are very rare times that “we” get to break character on this site…this is one of those moments. I run this website by myself...
Bangkok-based punk band THE GREED just know how to do it right. With their mix of members from all over the world, they manage to...
Rising Singapore alt-metal outfit RESERATE have released their debut album ‘Introspect’. Not only that, but they’ve been confirmed to support Japanese kawaii band BABYMETAL in...
Hong Kong-based math rock band WELLSAID is trying their best, whatever that means. Since releasing their debut EP in 2017, Wellsaid has performed around Asia,...
Japanese grindcore band FIGHT IT OUT recently completed a West Coast US tour. Check out this dope 20 minute recap video of their experience. The...
DIPLOID have announced they will be returning to Japan, Singapore and Malaysia! Formed in 2011 and hailing from Narrm (Melbourne), Australia. Diploid play a mixture...
Malaysian crustgrind band MAXSHIT have released 2 tracks from an upcoming 4 way split. The band states, “Our new stuff showcase our signature blend of...