Check out fullset videos all by this awesome channel IKTR HN who puts up great fullset videos all the time. Thanks! Go subscribe to his...
Trust us…even though we’re currently traveling through Korea, the moment this full length went up in full streaming beauty, we stopped and pressed play. You...
BAND: Cloudburst (Indonesia) RELEASE: Cloudburst (2019) LABEL: Samstrong Records REVIEWER: Arthur Urquiola FIND MORE INFO HERE: PICK UP THE RECORD HERE: Crying of...
New single released by Indonesian pop punk band Last Year.
Pop punk band Pathetic Ordinary has released their debut single “Some Pop Punk Song I Wrote (About You)”. The band is working on their debut...
Malaysian stoner doom band Tripping Haze Ceremony has released a few demos. Check it out! Demo 2018 by Tripping Haze Ceremony
Dear All, Thank you so much for another year doing what you’re doing in your scenes, in your bands, with your camera, with your websites,...
“Rest My Head” is a single off of Hong Kong indie rock Wellsaid’s first full length record. “We’ve been working on the album since March...
This is going to be sick if you’re in Tokyo!!! Bootstomp Records are celebrating their 15 year anniversary in style with this killer lineup for...
“Genjitsu Stargazing Society is a counterculture arts club with a roster of creators who share our philosophy and outlook on life.” The label just released...
For all of us fans of heavy music, even we need a break once in awhile from that barrage of noise that is our soundtrack...
Last night was the last show at legendary Thai rock/metal venue Immortal Bar after 18 years of non-stop service to not only Thailand’s own heavy...
Australia get stoked! Our buds in Singapore punk band ZODD have announced some dates in your fine country. The band most recently released a full...
Thai metalcore band inorin have released a new single “Skyman” featuring Tyler Greene from Fox & Arrow.
Math rock band Cha.Koy outta Malaysia have released a new single.
Bloodaxefest are bringing Taken out to Japan in March of 2019. Japanese melodic hardcore band Stranded are opening the trek. Check them dates.
YES!!! We’re SO excited for this incredible band we’ve been praising for months out of Vietnam called Cut Lon. Today the band dropped some awesome...
PREMIERE | Abattoir Blues Melodic Hardcore SINGAPORE In an age of hardcore bands keeping topics and lyrical content safe and easy to digest, all in...
Blackened crust band Avhath have released a new single “Two years after their latest issue, ‘The Annual Horrors’ comes in as the new single...
You bet we’re on that‘s Patreon page as we pay monthly to help support Sunny and his cause. Since we pay monthly we get...