Want To Hear How Sick The Local Japanese Bands Were That Opened Bloodaxe Fest? Check It.

As our earlier post about the recent Bloodaxe Festival (Spring Edition) stated, though the headlining international acts are of course sick (END, Counterparts, etc), it is the IMMENSE quality of the local Japanese acts that we’re here to rave about.

MASSIVE eternal gratitude to videographer IKTR HN.

Let’s start with the band photographed above…the explosive Osaka-based act PALM. The band just will annihilate all your senses with a literal BARRAGE of extremely heavy music – part hardcore, part punk, part grindcore, part powerviolence, the band truly encompasses everything that people who’ve been listening to underground heavy music naturally gravitate towards.


The next two acts are literal legendary status acts – Loyal to the Grave and NUMB. Loyal to the Grave’s vocalist Koba is the main dude in charge of Bloodaxe Festival and like ANY of you who have to double time being a promoter AND a performer in one of the bands knows, that is one grueling day. Now imagine if it’s a FESTIVAL that you’re in charge of and performing at???? Bananas…if you ever meet Koba – dude just smiles from ear to ear all day long. Such a great guy…

NUMB is the beatdown-infused hardcore that you have always wanted to hear. They’ve been around since the 90’s (hence legendary status) with yet another vocalist, Senta, who is just a nice dude.



As mentioned from our post from a few days ago HERE, OTUS is the dark metallic hardcore band that has rattled our frickin’ brains…since day fucking one. Get into this band.


You looking for something more thrashy? Check out crossover thrash hardcore band MurakuMo who dropped a sick high-octane EP entitled ‘Power Abuse’ last year. The EP is so sick that we’ve actually embedded it below. You’re welcome.


Metalcore band Octavius houses a beast of a drummer – check out this live video and watch him crush it on the drums. DAYUM.


UniteAsia.org is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!