Technical Death Metal Act THIRST OF FAUST Release New Single [India]

Hailing from the City of Joy – Kolkata, the four-piece Technical Death Metal outfit Thirst of Faust strives to keep storytelling their main focus in songwriting, accompanied by intricate guitar works and fleshed-out drums that are both groovy and extreme. Keeping storytelling in the forefront, the band tries to incorporate technical guitarwork mixed with heavy grooves and powerful drumming. Musically experimental, the band strives to bring together emotional, yet brutal music and folklore appealing to both metal enthusiasts and as well as those who appreciate the lore of music.

The band’s newest single “Awakening” marks the end of, what the band calls “The Goethe Trilogy”, with the tracks – “Mephisto” and “Aftermath” being released before. As the saga of Faustus comes to an end, “Awakening” draws a picture of the incidents that led to the communion between Faust and Mephistopheles. From a fast and technical standpoint, the song portrays the inner struggle of the protagonist’s psyche, the constant insatiable hunger for eternal knowledge unbeknownst to the consequences that followed.

“….As his vision gets blurred, but the affinity to satiate the hunger grows forevermore”

The song talks about how one always resorts to the abandonment of one’s morality when the want grows unbearable, surfing through means of acquiring that’s best left untouched. “Awakening” draws a perfect connection to “Mephisto” through silhouettes of the prince of hell striding in to lend a seemingly welcoming hand to Faust’s quest for knowledge.

Through their music, Thirst of Faust batters the listener both musically and lyrically, blast beats set the pace for epic lyrics presented in both guttural and clean fashion that focus on relatable situations. Thirst of Faust is recommended for fans of Death, Cynic, Beyond Creation, Fallujah, Inanimate Existence (Progressive/Technical Death Metal in general). is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!