Indian technical death metal band MORAL COLLAPSE have released a new single ‘Calamitous’ off their upcoming new full-length. The track features Moiz, the guitarist of one of our favorite Indian death metal bands, Godless.
The band is highly influences by old school death metal acts such as Morbid Angel, Deicide, Carcassm, Cannibal Corpse, and “of course there is an underlining influence of Necrophagist”. The band states, “The song is about a pre medeval war system of hierarchy and occupation of land, where one tribe or clan is trying to over throw the other. There is an element of surprise through some pagan practices or black magic, that invoke a super human strength involving human sacrifice. It also questions – if this human sacrifice is important for the clans success as a unit or if it is just some lost tradition and a lost cause to actually waste precious human life in this sacrificial mood.” Moiz was picked because “even though he has been playin for 20 years it’s only now this underated player is comin into a sort of lime light, not with moral collapse, but with godless of course. When we decided to go live and take this music on board, I can trust him to be the guitar player for our band in the future.”
Check out Sri Lankan black death band DEMIGOAT on their debut track off their upcoming full length. The band just added the following info: “Charge! Strike trve! To glory!...
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