DEVILOOF, a highly acclaimed metal band from Osaka, has captured the attention of fans in Japan and around the world for their intense and unforgettable...
Tokyo based Visual-Kei band XAVAK has released its 2nd music video for the song 「虐メ復讐編自由型」ahead of its first full album ‘OMAGATOKI’ that will be available on CD...
Japanese Gothic Rock band THE SOUND BEE HD has unleashed the music video for “WALKING DEAD 2021”. This is a new version of the song...
Xanvala is a Japanese Rock / Visual Kei band formed in early 2020. According to the band, their music “features a heavy yet melodic sound,...
el:cid was formed in Kyoto in 1992 and disbanded around October 1996, however before their dissolution a bunch of their stunning tracks which were born...
Esprit D’Air is a Japanese electronic rock/metal solo project led by vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, and producer, Kai. As featured on Billboard, HuffPost, Loudwire, BBC Radio, Kerrang!...
Will admit that we don’t know shit about Visual Kei bands but goddamn this is MUCH heavier than we envisioned the band to sound. To...
Thai band KNO have released their debut single All A Lie. KNO started off by covering Visual Kei band for the past 5 years and even...
After finishing their Asia tour in 2019, Korean Avantgarde Metal/Visual Kei Band Madmans Esprit is raising a funding project for live Blu-ray and new single...
Check out Korean band Madmans Esprit on their brand new music video and together with their new lineup. “Thank you for welcoming the new lineup...
Korean post metal/black metal/visual kei band Madmans Esprit have released a new music video off their upcoming full length entitled『무의식의 의식화』to be released October 1. You...
Guitarist of Legendary Japanese Punk Band Anarchy Passes Away… Written by Hidheki Takasakhi Mari, guitarist of legendary Japanese punk band ANARCHY (active since 1979), passed...