Malaysian heavy metal band PENUNGGU, widely recognized for their aggressive riffs and commanding stage presence, has taken an unexpected turn with the release of their...
Penunggu from Selangor Malaysia has released a new single ‘Gurindam Terkukur’ featuring gambus player Fauziah Gambus. “The 5:50 minutes track started out with soothing and...
Penunggu, a heavy metal band from Selangor, Malaysia had recently released their debut EP titled “Fables of Reality” which consists 4 original tracks and a...
Penunggu; a heavy metal band from Selangor finally released their long-awaited EP (no puns intended) and it’s titled “Fables of Reality”! The EP consists of...
Heavy metal band Penunggu release debut music video . “Hail from Selangor, a heavy metal band known for their creativity in lyrics and visualization PENUNGGU...