KVYLE was formed amidst the pandemic in 2020, originally featuring bassist Kelsey and drummer Underdog as a duo. After their first EP release and subsequent...
“Burn”, the first single off KVYLE‘s upcoming new EP “In The Warm Embrace Of Lies”, was released accompanied by a music video edited and synthesised by...
The End Is Beautiful Fest 2023 is a mini music festival that brings together the vibrant punk and emo music scenes to Hong Kong. This...
With the announcement of ‘Ambitious Ambition EU Extravaganza’, the Hong Kong alternative/noise punk duo KVYLE have announced European tour dates (dates in the flyer below)....
Hong Kong noise-punk duo Kvyle have announced 3 dates around the UK across the month of March. The dates and ticketing info can be found...
As a self-proclaimed ‘Hong Kong’s trashiest pop band’, Kvyle are unapologetically brash and brazen. Originally a solo lockdown project, Kvyle was the product of singer/bassist...
“abitoflove”is the debut single by Hong Kong post-punk/noise duo Kvyle. The dark, noisy post-punk track utilizes analog modular synths, extensive vocal and drums processing in combination...