Stranded Russian Hardcore Kid Needs Support in Dubai – Please Reach Out

Dear All,

We just received this in our inbox. If you live in Dubai please contact the person below to see if you can offer any assistance.

Unite Asia

“Hi! I’m from Russia, and I support and do some hardcore shows in my scene in my little city. I’m an anarchist and antifascist. Morning 24th February fully broke me and I no longer find a place for myself in the country. I left for Dubai. It was the last ticket that I could buy.

Please give me contacts of punk rockers of Dubai!

my number +971 58 261 8458

instagram @isk102iks

Please contact me. I’m in the airport in Dubai and I’m scared to go to a hostel. I need 1-2 days rest, I’m an engineer with higher education and a firefighter above 7 years. is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!