Slam Band Fatuous Rump Sign to Lacerated Enemy Records [Taiwan]

We are proud to announce that Lacerated Enemy Records will be working with Taiwan’s top SLAM act Fatuous Rump (Taiwan) on their upcoming album release.

As many of you know, we were known for bringing the heaviest bands on the planet back in the day and Fatuous Rump is no exception and we welcome them to the LE family. Their style is that of early Lacerated signings including Abominable Putridity, Condemned, Coprocephalic, so all you pit ready lurkers will be stoked on these guys.

Featuring Larry Wang the founder and primary vocalist of legendary COPROCEPHALIC (Welcome back bro!)

Comments Fatuous Rump: Hello bosses of slam, we are a 3-piece slamming brutal death metal band Fatuous Rump from Taipei, Taiwan. We’ve been around for around 4 years, played numerous festivals and tattoo conventions and we are here to present to you a whole new album with a touch of groovy tech riffs, song structure that delivers bulldozer crushing slam keeping the flow yet giving you a whole new sensation and definition of slam, we have several guest vocals that add variations and touch to the very technical vocal lines. This album will give you a whole 39 minutes of pulverizing slam!!!

Fans of Abominable Putridity, Insect Inside, Devourment and the like should be on high alert for more news on Fatuous Rump and upcoming actions from the band and Lacerated Enemy in the coming weeks. is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!