Iranian Hardcore Band DEPRECIATION Drop New Single [Iran]

We don’t usually write about one-man bands, it’s just not something we are about promoting. We are about promoting bands who are out there playing and performing and not bedroom bands. It’s just not what we’re about.

This, however, we’re definitely going to bend the rules because how often do we hear about “hardcore” from Iran.

One man band DEPRECIATION is a hardcore band from Iran. The sole member gave us a rundown of how it all began. “The main reason that I started a hardcore band is I see that in my country we need to make unique music and bring the culture of hardcore, which to me means violence, noise and stuff like that, and talk about some hard subject matter.”

One listen and you’ll hear a blend of a more metallic hardcore punk sound with really guttural-death-metal-like vocals. He quickly stated, “The band is inspired by Hatebreed, Terror, Agnostic Front and some punk bands like Misfits, Pennywise. There are so many bands around the world that are already doing this sound or mimicking those earlier bands, so copying that is pointless to me. So I decided to combine what I’ve put together along with some oriental elements as well. is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!