Emo band Chinese Football announce Korean dates: May 16 and May 17 – info in the flyers below. https://www.facebook.com/chinesefootballband/
At The Gates announce Asian tourdates: May 1 – China May 2 – Hong Kong – TTN May 3 – Bangkok – Hollywood Awards May...
Straight edge hardcore out of the streets of Japan xOne Wordx have released a new EP entitled We Wear X. https://www.facebook.com/pg/xonewordxtyo We Wear X by...
Thrash metal band Speedkill release single . https://twitter.com/speedkill4
Happy Lunar New Year !!! 日本の皆様、いつもUnite Asiaをご覧頂きありがとうございます! この小さなUnite Asiaのウェブサイトを通じてアジアのバンド、プロモーター、レーベル、アジアの音楽の交流に少しでも役立つことが出来ればとの思いから活動を続けております。皆様の日頃のご支援、深く感謝申し上げます。 Dagger https://www.facebook.com/daggerhk/ 小生は、King Ly Cheeというハードコアバンドでボーカル、Daggerというバンドでギターをひいております。また、フルタイムで幼稚園(6歳児)の先生として働いており、家に帰れば6歳の娘の父親業をこなす傍ら、毎日3-4時間かけアジア中の情報収集をし記事を作成しております。 私たちが情熱を傾けるこの音楽をサポートすることは、小生にとって何事にも変えがたい喜びです。 繰り返しになりますが、いつもUnite Asiaをご覧頂き誠にありがとうございます。このウェブサイトを通じて皆様が発信したい情報がありましたらウェブサイトの”SUBMIT NEWS”より投稿をお願いします。もし英語に自信が無いようでしたら、直接email等で送って頂いても結構です。 それでは、今年も皆様にとって素晴らしい一年になりますように! UNITE ASIA: uniteasia.org UNITE ASIA FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/uniteasia/...
Singapore deathcore band The Wreckage has been releasing videos from the recording session of their upcoming record Unleashed. Dudes in the band are great and the...
Emo band Frogs in Flight release trailer for upcoming demo . Dayum…the band has that Christie Front Drive/Mineral vibe…until the full demo is out –...
Protest the Hero heading back to Japan. Dates are Aug 12 to Aug 19 – but further details will be coming soon.
Punk band Dirty Deeds release two new demos . These tracks will be released on physical format soon. Keep up to date on their bandcamp...
FINALLY – metallic hardcore band Barred release track from new full length . It’s about time we got to hear some new jams from this...
Wrap up video released from recent Malaysian hardcore fest. We believe the video was compiled and edited by Legacy Lensa. https://www.facebook.com/PakBrahem/
Musicoloid release video interview with pop punk band Collective Shoes . Though the interview is conducted in Indonesian, there are English subtitles below. https://www.facebook.com/collectiveshoes
Metalcore band I Punch Werewolf release music video . http://www.facebook.com/ipunchwerewolf
Hardcore band Frontxside release lyric video . The track comes off their upcoming full length gnothi seauton to be released later this year.
Pop punk band Cubfires release new single . Wow!!! Check out this introduction by Rizkan Records: “Dang! Again we are totally please to pollute your...
Progressive metalcore band Parallel Horizons release live in the studio fullset video . Hong Kong young blood represent! The band has had several lineup...
Hong Kong punk band David Boring release tracks from upcoming 7″. Hong Kong based label Sweaty and Cramped will be releasing the record and have...
One of our favorites from Taiwan…No Party For Cao Dong release music video. Just press play. https://www.facebook.com/nopartyforcaodong
China’s biggest metal festival 330 Metal Music Festival announce this year’s lineup: Suffocated, Barque of Dante, Dream Spirit, Die From Sorrow, Black Kirin, Explosicum, 雪沉, 虛極, Close To Abyss. March 31,...
Grindcore band Nahu release fullset live video . This band is soooooooo fucking amazing…huge thanks to 김동현 for grabbing this video and putting it up online for...