Singaporean Hardcore Band MYSTIQUE Drop Debut Hard Hitting Full Length ‘Face Your Fate’

“Extra Special Thank You To South East Asia Hardcore”. This is so damn hard.

From writing about their demo release last year, Singaporean hardcore band MYSTIQUE have followed that up with an entire full length packed with hard riffs.

The record is called ‘Face Your Fate’ and right from the jump on ‘Lost Reality’ the band wears its main influences (NYHC, Cro-Mags, Leeway, etc) proudly on their sleeves. This is 8 tracks of straight bangers that have taken that foundational sound and updated the fuck out of for 2024. When we spoke to vocalist, Syaf, a month ago, she had mentioned the track ‘Masquerade’ off the demo being re-recorded. And when the energy of that re-recording hits on this full length again, you see EXACTLY why the band made that decision. It sounds harder, it sounds fuller, it sounds so much more pissed off on this, and when that breakdown hits – it’s spinkick city. And on our favorite track, ‘Roll the Dice’, the band taps into that classic NYHC bounce. That hi-hat groove under a guitar solo right before they drop into the “Let me be the one to roll the dice” breakdown? Muthafuckin’ chef’s kiss.

When we posted about the release coming out on QUALITY CONTROL, the number of people who wrote in (or DM-ed) “That’s one of my current favorite labels” was so sick. Yes, they rule. You’re all correct. And for them to pick up MYSTIQUE so quickly after just a demo drop shows you Quality Control’s love for providing a platform/space for new and upcoming bands, as well as well-established ones (Pest Control fucking rules). And here, on this full length, we get to hear fully what they heard. Read what Quality Control had to say about the signing HERE.

Click HERE to pick it up now on vinyl!


Congrats to the band! Further below check out a dope fullset live video of the band killing it in Jakarta. is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!