Japan launches a festival called Satanic Carnival?

Satanic Carnival

Okay…just the name of this new festival which will be held in Japan this June already got me – it’s called Satanic Carnival! Hahahahahaha…how can this festival not have Slayer or Behemoth headlining a fest that has the balls to call themselves Satanic?!?! 🙂 I’m also a little confused that they used a hardcore kid as part of their logo instead of some satanic symbol hahaha…all in all leaves me quite confused and pretty sure that the name is just a name. The actual lineup doesn’t show any bands that are evil looking at all either: http://carnival.satanic.jp/2016/artist/

Anyway…check out the lineup and if you’re around Japan at the time go check it out and let us know how much blood was on sale for the audience to consume!


UPDATE: So apparently the festival is in it’s third year and the festival is named after the entertainment company that goes by this name. Still – pretty hilarious name 🙂 They should move this festival to Malaysia and see what the Malaysian government thinks of it! Hahahahahaha…don’t worry Malaysia – from the lineup, I don’t think there actually is a satanic band on the roster!


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