Hong Kong Indie Rock Act Teenage Riot To Stream Fullset Show

Hong Kong indie rock at Teenage Riot have announced that they’ll be performing via a live webstream on August 14 at an event entitled Dragon’s Delusion.

“Dragon’s Delusion 2020 – Preface Screening & Music Night is an online streaming performance which includes all the musicians that contributed to the Dragon’s Delusion (DD) project and also a highly anticipated screening of the new animation chapter: Dragon’s Delusion-Preface. This screening & music lineup is a full 70 minutes visual & audio experience.

DD is an animation project that started in 2018. Three animation directors: Kongkee, Lee Kwok Wai and Tsui Ka Hei initiated it as a Hong Kong cyberpunk animation. In 2020, the DD team completed a significant chapter – “Preface”, and they just cannot wait to share their achievement with the project’s supporters and fans.

Kongkee, the author of DD, has always believed that animation is a medium allowing different creative disciplines to inspire each other. Maybe that is the reason why music of DD continuously surprises our audiences. In this performance, we have lined up musicians who have worked alongside the DD team to join us. Included: Ah Ling and his band Teenage Riot. Ah Ling wrote the music score of the first two chapters of Dragon’s Delusion. The evening will also include Choi Sai Ho, who created the “Dragon’s Delusion Era” MV. Last, but not the least, Veronica Lee supports with the music score for the newest chapter, “Preface”.”

Ticketing info can be found HERE.


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