Punk band Waterweed release new music video .
Japanese post metal band lantanaquamara release album on bandcamp. This was actually released in 2016 but we slept on it so it’s magically being put...
Japanese band Guevnna release full length under Wifagena Records out of Germany. Check out the madness below. The band will also be touring Europe in...
Japanese emotional hardcore band Dead Lennons release music video. Download the album here: https://deadlennons.bandcamp.com/releases http://www.deadlennons.com/
Japanese thrash metal band Survive announce Eastern European tour. All dates in the flyer above!
Japanese alt rock band Survive Said The Prophet release new music video. https://www.facebook.com/survivesaidtheprophet
Hardcore punk band United Front release live video .
Japanese youthcrew hardcore band Youth Issue release live video – it’s awesome. @takasago515 YOUTH ISSUE pic.twitter.com/xCcuaI26JO — 8(#コωゲ#)8 (@71koge88) May 6, 2017 YOUTH ISSUE FAN...
Japanese emo-punk band without release new music video – start your day right with this. This is a new band and don’t they fucking rule???...
Metalcore band FOAD release music video https://www.facebook.com/foadjpn/
Japanese dark hardcore band Ilska release new demos for the kill tonight folks. Demo2017 by ilska
Metalcore band Paledusk release music video . https://www.facebook.com/Paledusk
Japanese alt-rock band Joy Opposites release music video off debut album entitled Swim. You can pick up the record here: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/swim/id1136605192?l=en https://www.facebook.com/joyoppositesband/
Japanese pop punk band Septaluck release music video. https://www.facebook.com/SEPTALUCK/
Metalcore band bilo’u release new single . Apparently the band is working on a way to make this available for purchase online. https://www.facebook.com/biloumusic
Vinyl version of Endzweck‘s recent record Tender Is The Night available now. The vinyl version of the phenomenal emotional hardcore record is being put out...
Japanese dark hardcore band Friendship release track off upcoming debut full length. Shit’s heavy and intense! More info: https://twitter.com/friendshipkvlt/
Japanese youthcrew hardcore band United Front release live video. 昨日UNITED FRONTサポートで大阪でドラム叩かせてもらいました? pic.twitter.com/NMPWkEKXvF — KOTA (@DrKar73) April 30, 2017
Japanese emo-punk band Without release track off upcoming EP (FFO: 90’s emo/indie rock). This is good. Any of you old ass dudes like ourselves who...
Hardcore Kitchen release trailer for upcoming 4 way split record feat. Japanese post-punk/hardcore. The bands on the split are: ADA, Dancebeach, Excuse To Travel, JahanGir....