Powerviolence Members Start Children’s Show – Wormhole English Songs for Kids

Members of Beijing-based powerviolence band Struggle Session have dropped their manic screams of terror and blast beats to pick up mics to record children’s songs about going pee-pee, names of colors, and having faces.

Oliver (vox) and Aaron (drums) are two of the lead vocalists on the new kid’s youtube channel Wormhole English, singing songs that are written and produced by Alf (the bass player). Where once they sang words such as “F%*k You, This is Hardcore,” now they are singing the more polite “Please and Thankyou, let’s be nice”.

Gone are the songs about having to poop before shows (P.S.S), now the boys are asking their teacher “Can I go Pee-Pee, please?” One thing has stayed the same, whether it is in real life or as his cartoon alter-ego “Jacky”, Aaron still loves wearing dresses. So if you have kids, know anyone that does, or just want to see what some Beijing punks get up to during the daytime, check out Wormhole English on Youtube and Instagram.

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