Mia Priest [Nightmare AD, ex-Impiety] Releases Second Edition of Book Negative Cognition

One of our favorite human beings, Mia Priest of the following pedigree: NIGHTMARE A.D., ABSENCE OF THE SACRED, BLOOD DIVISION, ABYSSAL VORTEX, ex-IMPIETY, has re-published her first book Negative Cognition that was originally published with Amazon in March of 2013. It is now available in both hardcover and softcover editions at Blurb Books (US$9.00 and US$20.00 respectively).

This second edition features new front cover art as well as an updated blurb and author details on the back. A bit of layout re-arrangement has been done and the book is generally far better than the first edition.

The eBook version (for Amazon Kindle® and EPUB3 ebook for Apple iOS devices and macOS computers) will be available next week! So stay tuned for another exciting update coming soon.

Click on the link below if you wish to preview some random pages of the book or to buy it.


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