Metalcore Band Project 9 Urge Teenagers Not To Fear Their Own Sexuality [Hong Kong]

Project 9 have released a new track to urge teenagers not to fear their own sexuality [Hong Kong].

“Being young people ourselves, Project 9 understands that young people, especially males, have a hard time struggling with their sexuality. 蒼天不負有鳩人 features a dear friend, Mr. Sexy Wintermelon, on synth. He is a dear friend who had these struggles and has emerged a proud gay man. We want our fans, if we have any, to know that although we constantly joke about sex and anal, we never mean it in a bad way. Love who you want to and do it fearlessly. If you’re wondering why this track sounds better than anything else we’ve done, it’s because apart from being a fabulous gay bitch, that cunt also has OCD and has to make everything “sound good” before letting us hit upload. So for the first time ever this is a song we spent more than 3 fucking hours on.” is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!