Jakarta Hardcore Vets DEAD PITS Release Single Off New Record [Indonesia]

Emerging from the heart of Jakarta’s burgeoning hardcore punk scene in 1996, DEAD PITS has carved a distinctive path in the world of hardcore punk. Formed by a group of fervent hardcore punk enthusiasts, the band was born out of a shared passion for the raw, unfiltered energy of hardcore punk music and a desire to push the boundaries of the genre. The name “Dead Pits” has a unique origin: “Pits” is an abbreviation of “Pitung,” a term used by a group to refer to marijuana in the 1990s. By adding “Dead” in front of it, the band aimed to convey a strong message of their collective disdain for drugs. This fusion of linguistic play and a powerful anti-drug stance encapsulates the essence of Dead Pits, making them not just a band, but a statement within the hardcore punk movement.

The band is back back and louder than ever with their highly anticipated fourth album, ‘Terus Berjalan’ released through Lawless Jakarta Records. This new release infuses a modern twist into their signature hardcore sound, showcasing their ability to evolve while staying true to their rebellious roots. ‘Terus Berjalan’ continues the band’s legacy of spreading positive messages and unyielding spirit through powerful, nuanced lyrics drawn from diverse perspectives.

Since their inception in 1996, Dead Pits has been a relentless force in the Indonesian hardcore punk scene. Their enduring presence and continuous evolution have cemented their place as a cornerstone of this vibrant and diverse genre. With ‘Terus Berjalan’ Dead Pits reaffirms their status as trailblazers, pushing boundaries and staying relevant in an ever-changing musical landscape. The journey from their first album to their fourth has been filled with memorable moments and valuable lessons, each contributing to their progressive, fresh, and brutally honest sound.

Unlike their early days, today’s Dead Pits has evolved to meet the demands of the modern music landscape, making the creation of their music more accessible and innovative. The contrast between their formation era in the mid-90s and now highlights their adaptability and resilience in navigating the challenges of a pre-internet world to the present day.

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