Indian Hardcore Band CATATONIC Drop First Taste Of Upcoming Debut EP [India]

‘Bloom’ is the 2nd single by Indian hardcore band CATATONIC‘s upcoming debut 5 song EP. The song talks about adolescence and alienation from a hostile world, finding inner strength and resilience in harsh conditions, and that even in the most treacherous swamps, a flower can bloom.

The band started in 2021, with members from other local acts like Plague Throat, Catharsys, Odyssey, Asbesticide, etc. At the time, having a more death-grind sound, they have released multiple singles, splits and covers, played numerous shows including opening for bands like Godless, Gutslit, etc. They were part of a 3 band joint tour across northeast India with matchcore band Maneating Orchid from Bangalore and noisegrind band Konflicts from Sikkim, called the Sonic Vandalism Tour in 2023.

Their debut EP Gardenia will mark a new era for the band, having shed their earlier death-grind influences for a more melodic hardcore/post-hardcore sound, inspired by bands like At the Drive-In, Title Fight, Converge, etc. is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!