Brilliant At Breakfast an Indie-Pop from Yogyakarta, Indonesia release a split album with Japan Indie-Pop The Natsuyasumi Band. Released on limited C-60 cassette tapes via Indonesian...
In shocking news that rocked the Manila underground scene. it has been reported that Ryan Caraan today passed away at around 9:30pm on Friday night due to...
Hong Kong alt-rock band Seasons for Change release live video. Homeboy could sing the damn phonebook…shit – does that even make sense in 2017 anymore?...
Instrumental rock band Sound Architects have released their first single off upcoming full length . The full length will be coming out on Continent Records.
Hong Kong oi band Oi Squad release live video. This band is also currently looking for a drummer so if you’re down hit ’em up!...
Japanese melodic punk band Smash Up release music video for upcoming greatest hits record. The record is in celebration of their 10 year anniversary. Fans...
Taiwan melodic hardcore band Between The Savage release trailer for upcoming EP. Check it out below.
Filipino hardcore band Badmouth release new stomper of a single in 2017 (FFO: Lionheart). Shit’s dope!
Indian Metal veterans DEMONIC RESURRECTION have announced the release of their 5th full length album. The album is titled ‘Dashavatar’ which translates to ‘the ten...
Filipino metalcore band Equation Crisis have made their 2016 release a free download. Calmness and Chaos by Equation Crisis
Progressive metalcore band Revive released an EP during the latter part of 2016. It’s streaming below. Kuna Krites by REVIVE
New Hong Kong indie-rock band wellsaid debut first track recorded in live video form. Check it out below – sounds fucking great!
Southeast Asia’s biggest metal festival Hammersonic announce hardcore metal band Earth Crisis for this year’s edition which will be held the weekend of May 7....
Indonesian emotional hardcore act Modern Guns release short weekender trip recap video.