Funniest message to Hatebreed ever! Where do these people come from?!



HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…funniest shit I’ve read all day!!! I can’t believe Hatebreed even bothered to reply to this idiotic request/message! If your child’s first word was “Jasta” or any singer’s name instead of “dad” or “mom” or whatever else that makes sense for a child who is surrounded by the love and affection of their family, that’s some crazy stalker shit. Hahahahaha…

Thanks whoever this guy is “Faraz Ollie” for providing the internet with the funniest shit today!

Hey Hatebreed – my child is being circumsized can you be there and play a few songs? Possibly Destroy Everything? I think I can have you all fit in the doctor’s office! HAHAHAAHAHAHHAA… is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!