EPISODE 09 Unite Asia Podcast | Jiwon and Jina of Billy Carter [Korea]

This is the 9th episode of the Unite Asia Podcast and this time we’re taking the podcast to Korea! We sat down with Jiwon and Jina of an AWESOME band that caught our attention over the summer – Billy Carter. The band literally JUST celebrated the release of their second album “Don’t Push Me” and in the interview, we talked about how these two amazing women got into punk rock, how they started the band, and then what are some issues they feel strongly about – issues like misogyny and gender rights in Korea. We hope you enjoy the episode! But most importantly, please go support this INCREDIBLE band!

Make sure to follow them on their socials and DON’T forget to check out their brand new album Don’t Push Me streaming below!!! THE ALBUM IS INSANE!!!

Unite Asia Podcast第9集,我哋將大家帶到韓國。 我哋訪問咗Billy Carter樂隊嘅成員Jiwon同Jina。 今個夏天佢哋引起咗我哋嘅注意,覺得呢隊樂隊超正。 佢哋剛剛出咗第二張專輯“Don’t Push Me”, 訪問中講到佢哋係點樣進入punk rock世界、點樣開始呢隊樂隊,同埋佢哋身為韓國女性對仇視女性文化同性別權益等問題嘅睇法等。


FB: https://www.facebook.com/blyctr
IG: https://www.instagram.com/billycarter_kr/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/BLYCTR

UniteAsia.org is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!