Emotive Punk Band Without Release Debut Album ‘Be Corny’ – It’s SO Good [Japan]

Yokohama four-piece emotive punk band Without has released their debut album ‘Be Corny’ on Raft Records.

According to the label, “They started with live performances in a small studio in Yokohama, and have repeated numerous live performances, tours, etc., while vigorously working on EPs, split releases, and other projects. The way they sing along with their vigorous songs, pumping their fists in the air, is eulogistic, but somehow also sounds sad. Yes, they are forever struggling. As if the struggles in their lives are the driving force that keeps them going, the sound has grown stronger and thicker. By exposing their true selves, they have created a song of lament that reminds us of this irreplaceable moment in time. The cover artwork may be a testament to the band’s desire to remember their dreamy and innocent childlike spirit amidst the tension and relaxation.”

If you’re a fan of that Braid meets Christie Front Drive meets Cap N’ Jazz esque of mid-90’s emotive punk music…(the good shit)…you’re going to love this amazing band!


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