A Day That PEACH Drops 2 New Tracks is Always A Good Day [Indonesia]

Anytime a PEACH release comes through our inbox…you know it’s going to be a good day. The phenomenal Indonesian hardcore punk band has dropped TWO new tracks and they’re streaming in all their glory below.

The band was kind enough to send us a track by track breakdown:

“Wild Horse, Wild Ride is the name of our Java-Bali tour so it’s basically us romantisizing 3 weeks away from home, we took flights, we took road trips, we moved from one city to another without knowing what we’d encounter next. Being away from home for 3 weeks, 2 weeks straight in the car with friends, moving from one hotel to another hotel, different food, meeting new people every day. It was fun, despite the small to huge inconvenience, it was part of our vacation (the tour) and we miss it and we want to go on tour again.”

“Figure Out is just anger towards a friend who is capable of being this person to us and another whole different person to others, basically out there trying to seek validation from others even though the price they have to pay is associating with potentially dangerous people rather than simply hanging out with us who won’t bring no harm.”

Here’s the more insane news, by year’s end the band is hoping to have their debut album out. Hell yeah!!!


UniteAsia.org is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!