Our dudes in Madafaka Records out of Medan, Indonesia did done right with this new split pitting two SICK hardcore punk bands from Indonesia together – we got Loose Chain and Madness Kids losing their minds on this 8 track release. If you like your shit straight to your face, punk as fuck, youth crew, mad finger-pointing singalongs, two-stepping, stage moshing…GET. ON. THIS. NOW.
Here’s the full write up:
In early 2022, Loose Chain and Madness Kids Hardcore Punk Band From Sukabumi, Indonesia released a split EP titled “MKLC”. Contains 8 tracks that are ready to smash your day. The split EP was released by Madafaka Records and Breakout Records will also be available on cassette.
Opened with the track “United” by Madness Kids, the straight edge spirit immediately echoed and invited them to gather together in the moshpit area.
“I don’t care where are you from, I don’t care what you are, SxE or not you’re still my friend” shouted MK vocalist, Rommy. There’s nothing better than loud music and a circle of friends that ignite positivism. Followed by the same spirit in the number “Personal Beliefs” which carries the attitude of PMA, Madness Kids wants to fight the world with a burning spirit.
Followed by the more violent “Kosong”, Madness Kids discusses how to deal with existential crises. Madness Kids concludes its section with “Maksimalkan Waktu”, like Carpe Diem’s idiom, the howling at this number encourages listeners to live the day.
It was Loose Chain’s turn to entertain with the opening title “Punished”, the speedy beats of the hardcore/punk style from this track hit left and right like a pogo. In this song, Loose Chain expresses his disappointment with the cops and corrupt people in this country. Similar to the executioner, the cry “They have to get punished!” resonates with the listener’s ear. This was followed by “Pay It Forward” which hit the chest. This track discusses the harshness of the world and how Loose Chain reacts to it. “Return all kindness, and throw away all the bad things. It’s not about you and me towards the truth!”, Rizal echoed. Then followed by “Blind” who talked about the rottenness of those who were ‘blind’. Loose Chain is consistent with its stance against the injustice of the corrupt and brutal system in this world. They then closed the split of “MKLC” with the track “Ode for Ma Hometown”, a sad poem for the bored and helpless people in their hometown.
Loose Chain and Madness Kids teamed up with Breakout Records and Madafaka Records for the split release of “MKLC”. Loose Chain entrusted the recording process to Rocky Studio Bogor and Evan Wyra from Drove Studio as the mixing and mastering masters. Meanwhile, Madness Kids did the recording process at Ears Pollution Studio Sukabumi and Doni and Bayu Haris as mixing and mastering confidants.”
For Artwork, Bernandus Evan worked on “MKLC”, while Aldi Andriawan and Ardi Maulana worked on the font and logotype. The photo of the band was captured by Gina Gegana and the Design and Layout was completed by Ilham Bachtiar and Daryl Gemawan.
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