Chaotic Hardcore Act REXREZ and Grind/Violence Act RUNNER Release Split [Thailand/Japan]

Before we even write about this phenomenal split release by Thailand’s feedback heavy HM-2 demolishing hardcore band REXREZ and Japan’s RUNNER, go press play on REXREZ’s side of the split below. Allow the music to come out of your speakers and slap your fucking face to wake yo’ ass up.

Kenta, drummer of Runner, stated, “I also play drums for a band called PALM and when we toured Southeast Asia, my old friend Gap took care of us and showed us a lot of hospitality. Then fast forward to December 2023, he came to watch Runner play in Taipei and that’s when he originally suggesting us doing a split EP together. We know his passion for hardcore music is absolutely true. We’re so glad to be a part of this split as it also expresses the idea of a “United Asia” perfectly!”

Gap, vocalist of Rexrez, added, “As Kenta mentioned above, I went to Taipei last year and was lucky to see Runner perform. Kenta is an old dear friend of and Runner is a SICK band. So I thought why don’t we see if we can do something together so I asked him!”

Now let’s move into the actual meat of the conversation – the songs itself.

As mentioned above, REXREZ’s stuff is a barrage of noise, feedback, HM-2 madness and throat shredding screams. As the band has released a whole host of music, it’s clear the band is becoming more and more clear about what they bring to the table. The world fucking sucks, and they’re providing the soundtrack to its demise. Through absolute chaos.

“The songs are talking about the emotionality of people. The first track ‘My Resentment’ is about the idea of directing all your anger and rage towards people for no other reason than a deep seated resentment towards them. The second track ‘Beg to Differ’ is about the evils of humanity where the world isn’t sure if a human is even capable of committing such horrors. People often say that it comes from a dark place like a hidden demon, but the truth is, it’s us humans carrying out these absurdly disgusting actions.”

As if to almost completely provide a contrary picture in terms of sounds, Japan’s RUNNER’s side of the split EP has crystal clear production AND with some amazing lo-fi/hip hop samples thrown in! Don’t get us wrong – the music is evil and blast beat heavy. And goddamn those riffs are SICK!

The band states that they’re highly influenced by 90’s US West Coast power violence/grind, NYHC, UK grind, and Japanese hardcore punk. “Our sound, in particular, draws inspiration from 90’s bands that incorporated unique rhythms and elements influenced by Free Jazz, Avant-garde, and Industrial music,” confirm the band. This explains a lot about those incredible samples that start and finish this set of tracks!

In terms of lyrical content, “Even today, there are still cruel wars and conflicts in the world. In our daily lives, we often pursue our own immediate profits and it’s common to lose sincerity even towards ourselves. In our lyrics, we sing about fighting against the emptiness we feel and maintaining our sincerity to what we believe in.”

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