Hardcore band True Or False release new single . It’s got that power and angst of bands like Carry On, Champion all mixed into one...
Instrumental band hauste release debut album . This also works as the debut release out of new Singapore based label Atmos Initiative who had this...
Youth crew band Rage Point release 6 song demo . The demo will be released on cassette soon. FFO: Hardstance, Release, Against The Wall Photo...
China based metal label Kurong Music release label update “It has been a long time since we posted here last time, we have been focusing...
INTERVIEW | Amorphia Thrash Metal (India) Interviewer: Trendcrusher Thrash metal is the most popular metal subgenre in India. 3 of the “Big 4” of thrash...
Photographer Hiro has released a cool photo book entitled Youth No More of Japanese emotive punk And Protector. Check out some of the amazing images...
Starwick release new EP stream single Starwick is certainly not a new name in Jakarta’s independent music scene. Established since 2004, the band in...
Hardcore band Frontxside release lyric video . The track comes off their new album Gnothi Seauton which was released earlier this month by Sepsis Record...
Punk-ska-electrco band The Kathmandu Killers release debut EP with song explanations “Unlike Nike or Reebocks which are pirated because they are expensive, it looks...
Hardcore band NODAYSOFF release teaser video of debut album entitled Old City Brand NODAYSOFF アルバムに先駆けて60秒teaser動画を公開?KYOTOHARDCOREにまつわる面々を多数ゲストに迎え、BARサクの間 @sakunoma を中心に撮影。HIPHOP畑から @pay619 が映像担当、今までのライブシーンを交えたフレッシュ感溢れる仕上がり。是非ご覧下さい‼#nodaysoffHC #oldcitybrand #radicaleast pic.twitter.com/8E4WX8gp95 — 今年は誰かのエロリンになりたい (@erolin0906)...
Pop punk band Accident I Loved release music video off their 4 song EP entitled Circle on Rainbow 7 Records . http://www.accidentiloved.com/
Punk band Demerit release new full length entitled Out of the Fog and a new music video for the track Boys Are Coming Back. ....
Hardcore punk band featuring Japanese/American vocalist – Krimewatch – release new EP. Check out a recent fullset video from the band further below. Photograph by...
Malaysian crust punk band Braincell announce European summer tour. Tampere Hardcore has also announced the release of Braincell’s insane Mindlock EP on 7″ vinyl ready...
EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE | Dagger (Hong Kong) SONG: Live Your Life https://www.facebook.com/daggerhk/ Live Your Life by Dagger We are thrilled to present to you an exclusive...
Hardcore punk band O.S.A. release 5 track demo “Hello, We are o.s.a (OutStndgAholes). We are from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The band started in 2012...
Math rock band Nei or Gas Mus release debut EP . “The first EP from the long-awaited one and only Guangzhou mathy-emo trio Nein or...
Brand new blackened hardcore band World Domination are about to do just that . The band has released 3 tasty fucking tracks that will have...
OG hardcore punk band Disgruntled release 40 track discography “DISGRUNTLED – The Almost Complete Recordings 40 songs collected from previous releases including split demo...
Hardcore punk band Gaze Dread release 3 tracks to fuck your day up . Goddamn – so much intensity there must been smoke coming outta...