Released last year via Only Death Is Real Productions and Ponor, Illusion is the first compilation of the One-Man thai band, Leftmuenang (เล็บมือนาง). This is...
Pop punk band Today Alive release music video .
Singapore’s premier hardcore fest Dangerous Fest have released a video teaser for the second inaugural edition to be held on January 6, 2018. Full details...
Metal band Cycryptic release music video .
Philippine Post-Rock/Hardcore legends Legarda perform “Lazarus” Live at Mow’s during The Saddest Landscape: Live in Manila. Breaking musical boundries and crossing hardcore/shoegaze/post-rock/indie. Formed sometime in...
Old live video surfaces of Into It. Over It. x Malegoat collab. Badass…
This is some beautiful Asian pride shit…check out a video of Sunny Singh of fame get out from behind filming a show, to grabbing...
Formed in 2013, Sydney’s Scrotal Vice have created their own schizophrenic niche of ‘Extreme Post-Op Power Grind’ by throwing their favourite elements of grind,...
Black metal band Insolence release new track from EP . The debut EP In Depths of Despair is a side project of Januaryo Hardy of Cadavoracity,...
Death metal band Karmacipher release first track off upcoming EP entitled《陣獄》 . This band last year released their phenomenal debut album full of atmospherics...
Deathcore band Mirrors release album . Solipsistic Death by Mirrors
Heavy metal band Penunggu release debut music video . “Hail from Selangor, a heavy metal band known for their creativity in lyrics and visualization PENUNGGU...
Garage punk band Bitzmika release new EP entitled Majestic Prince of Aljabr . Goddamn the songs are GREAT! “Our latest EP talks about how to conquer...
Singaporean chaotic hardcore band Glassmouth release dope teaser for upcoming release. The band needs to lead some workshops on how to make teasers…this is how...
Alt rock band Obsess are celebrating their 10 year anniversary by releasing a killer studio session video . “謝謝您選擇聆聽OBSESS的音樂,這個十年,我們在三張作品裡精選出三首歌錄製成一組現場節目,採用同步錄音錄影的方式,原音重現,送給一直支持我們的你/妳,下一個十年,我們將會做更好。Thank you for choosing to listen to OBSESS....
Hardcore band Break of Chain have released a new EP entitled Survivors of the Desolated City. The EP comes with 6 scorching NYHC inspired...
Hardcore metal band Allerdelavant release new single
Multi-cam live footage of The Saddest Landscape in the Philippines has been released by the crew that brought them out, Sleepy Boy Collective. The collective...
Pop punk band Dizzy Sunfist release music video and announce second album to hit shelves early 2018 .
Metalcore band Critical Affair announce final shows before hiatus: “So basically Critical Affair has been active since 2011 till now 2017 a total of 6...