“Finally, Restraining Order landed and rushed straight to the venue, arriving at MIDNIGHT. After a quick soundcheck, they ripped right into their set proving their...
In 2025 UNITE ASIA will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary of running this website having posted something pretty much every single day within this...
This is a very sweet report that just came into our inbox. Syafiq is a hardcore kid from Singapore who moonlights in sick bands like...
SCENE REPORT | Philippines RJ It’s March, and the restrictions are set to Level 1 (lowest) by the country’s pandemic response task force. This means...
SHOW REVIEW DATE: June 22, 2017 VENUE: Pretty Poison, Bali, Indonesia BANDS: Veinn, Woundeath and Mort REVIEW: Riz of UniteAsia.org BLACK and WHITE PHOTOS: Dennis Arthur https://www.instagram.com/dennisvrthur/...
There are very few places in Asia can have an all-out MASSIVE metal festival. The few places that I can think of that has enough...
Over the past year there has been certain scenes around Asia who consistently have been producing hardcore bands that are world class. Without a doubt, one...
This is sick… Our buddy Pam from Mindanao just sent some information in about an awesome 4 way split CD that’s coming out featuring hardcore...
An awesome website called The Korea Blog published an article by Jon Dunbar talking about the Korean punk rock scene centered around the 2004-2009 era....
Here you go…a couple days ago we updated a quick introduction to China hardcore (CNHC) bands, and today we’re bringing you an introduction to 3...
The China hardcore scene (CNHC) is very much still in its infancy but what it is today in 2015 is nothing short of explosive and...