Black Metal act HELVETTE Return with New Single [Singapore]

HELVETTE, the Singapore-based black metal project, first emerged from the shadows in 2005 as the dark creative expression of founding member C. (ex-Draconis Infernum, ex-Blood Division). After a 12-year hiatus following the release of 2012’s full-length “Purging of the Worthless”, Helvette has returned, now joined by new member M.T., signaling the dawn of a new era for the band.

With the release of their latest single, “Fires of Ascension”, Helvette is poised to unleash a renewed wave of defiant energy. This marks the official rebirth of the band, with their flames of rebellion burning brighter than ever.

Founding member C. comments: “Helvette was never really laid to rest; it had simply been dormant due to a lack of inspiration. I wasn’t ready to call it a day. The introduction of M.T. reignited my desire to write, and fittingly, Hell has returned.” is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!