One of our favorite things about running this site for the past 7 plus years is helping get the word out about profound bands who exist in our gigantic continent of Asia. One of those bands for sure is Taiwanese punk rock band Acccomplices who not only PLAY punk rock but fully LIVE punk rock. The band has been pretty much non-stop since they formed in 2015 but last night they announced that they’re going on an indefinite hiatus. The band penned this amazing letter announcing their hiatus and we wish them the best of luck as they take this time off to give their hearts a break so they can come back refreshed and ready to continue to show the world the best of what punk rock is about – caring about our planet, activism, standing up for injustices and inequality.
The band rules – if you haven’t heard their music check their music out further below.
這七年經歷了許多很棒的回憶,Live house、音樂祭、街頭游擊、遊行抗爭等現場,到香港、廣州、東京、沖繩等地演出,說真的,非常充實,感謝所有支持我們的人,也感謝我們自己。
希望各位能繼續支持過去、現任的所有七位團員接下來的各種發展,或是個人活動,共犯也準備了一份禮物 【無邊界動亂】 第壹話:破壞·重建 要送給大家,在當天我們會演出至今所有的曲目,希望你們會喜歡。
Singapore beatdown band ANGULIMALA have dropped a raging new track entitled ‘Cold Blooded Vengeance’. “The song is from the point of view of someone whose not only been betrayed...
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Beatdown Band ANGULIMALA Tackle Betrayal On New Rager ‘Cold Blooded Vengeance’
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