Badass – Brand New Hardcore Band AWL Drop a Full Debut Album [Korea]

Yo check it…brand new South Korean hardcore band AWL have just dropped a full album of 8 tracks! That’s crazy! They state, “We started preparing earlier this year and had our first performance on May 11. We’re mainly inspired by INGROWN and GULCH, stuff that matches the mood of the society we live in. All our songs are about the anger we have for the world we live in. Especially the last track, track 8, CITY, is about the city where our vocalist has lived for a long time. There was no hope there. It’s an honest expression of feelings.” is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!