Yo – Why Isn’t Japanese Melodic Hardcore Band SHADOWS Not More Well Known??? [Japan]

It is insane how talented Japanese melodic hardcore band SHADOWS is. The band has just dropped their THIRD full length ‘Dig’ and once again it’s an album FULL of all the parts that are the best of hardcore, pop punk and melodic punk. You want throat shredding screaming ala Andrew of Comeback Kid? Check. You want CRAZY melodic pop punk type choruses? Check. You want breakdowns that drop keys and tempos? Check. You want all the “woh oh oh’s” from the heydays of Fat Wreck/Epitaph? Check. You want artwork created by the same dude who did Helmet’s ‘Betty’ (it actually looks like it’s even the same female!)? Check. And on this new record you want some Drug Church-esque influences? CHECK.

Look at this insane art:

SHADOWS is a phenomenal melodic hardcore band who aren’t afraid to bring something insanely new to the table. If you loved HAZEN St., Shadows is like Hazen St. on steroids dialled up way past 11.

The band fucking rules and you should be all over it.


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