Introducing new musical collaboration initiative: Genre Sound

genre sound

A pretty cool new initiative called Genre Sound in music collaboration has been launched out of Pakistan with an eye towards bridging Western and Eastern creative heads. Check out the description before and they are NOW ready to take on demos and collaborative ideas. So get in touch with them at the contact address below and/or at the Facebook page:

“Genre Sound is a unique idea to collaborate with musician,singers,bands,producers,record labels, ezines and magazines all around the world. Genre Sound has one goal and that is to unite the asian music and bridge between European and Asian musicians by promoting and working together on collaborative music projects. Technology is the best way to collaborate on projects using a smartphone for videos, audio, gig shoots, band performances and even like streaming can be done.

Rules and Regulation:

1. First and far most important rule is not to discriminate religion,color or country we are here to make a better world with peace and music,

2. All demo’s will be accepted no matter how bad or low quality it is but please try to send the best it will give us chance to know more about you,

3. All videos, interviews, Band performances ,gig shoots etc should be shot by a smartphone can be any brand has to be a smartphone.

4. length of a music video not more then 4 mins, length of a video interview not more then 2 mins individual performance not more then 3 mins band documentary not more then 5 mins.

5.Bands,Musicans, singers,DJs can send us covers and their originals.

6.Bands , Musicians, DJS, Singers can post there stuff directly on the page (PLZ DO NOT SPAM)

7.Concerts,Venues,Album Launch ceremony coverage and links can also be posted

8.Record Labels

Please contact us through or inbox us.

ALL STYLE OF MUSIC IS INVITED SO DONT THINK YOU CANT MAKE IT” is an underground Asian music news website created for the sole purpose of supporting our own world. We support all bands and genres HOWEVER we do not support nor have any sympathy for homophobic, racist, sexist rhetoric in lyrical content or band material. UNITE ASIA!